Places to Visit with the Geek in your Life
Places in Ontario that you can visit for some fandom fun! Storm Crow Manor

Affectionately dubbed, Canada’s Nerdiest Bar; Storm Crow Manor features three stories of weird and fantastical rooms, from the subterranean dungeon bathrooms to the mad scientist chic of the Mary Shelley bar to the Cyberpunk Lounge to the surreal, hidden Black Lodge. The pub-style menu is highlighted by the Dungeon Burger, a sandwich you can randomly roll with twenty-sided dice, while the cocktails include incandescent bubbling concoctions like Romulan Ale, Butterbeer and a 2-person cocktail served in Darth Vader’s helmet. It is truly a place created by nerds for nerds. It’s an experiential drinking and dining experience like no other located in the heart of Toronto. From legendary halloween parties, monthly trivia nights, and special D&D events, Storm Crow Manor is a haven for the geek community attracting fellow nerds both local and abroad.
Freaky Wizard

Freaky Wizard is a board game tavern and café located in Barrie, Ontario, created by Joem Figueroa and Jamie Doran. Inside the Wizard’s castle, patrons can select from over 800 games in the game library, enjoy magical drinks and snacks, shop local retail, and test their mettle in the escape room. The Wizard, as they say, is also home to the Barrie Book Inn, a boutique bookstore specializing in fantasy, occult, role playing games, magna and other cool genres; and Eclipse Escapes – featuring the Tomb of Nicolas Flamel; and several other micro entrepreneurs who sell their handmade goods in the Freaky Wizard Shop. Jamie and Joem built Freaky Wizard to power up wizards of all sorts. They drew on their love of Harry Potter, Star Wars, fantasy and horror, to create an atmosphere that transfigures the mind and spirit. Kids can be themselves, and adults can be kids again at the Freaky Wizard.